"I started my own business halfway through my senior year of high school back in 1977. For many years this was an amazing time for me. I was easily making more money than most people my age, but I was regularly working six days a week and I eventually wore myself out. It was a great experience being my own boss. Although it was not the lifestyle I was hoping for. I was only making money for the hours I worked and I simply could not work enough hours to get where I wanted to get! I realized that something needed to change. I needed to develop a way to create a residual income for myself as I had heard some very motivating stories about this.
Fast forward...currently, I have been with the same company since 1992. Why? Because I found a company that pays attention to the important things in life, (you & I)...A company that has integrity, and a company that has products that benefit a persons health...PERIOD! A consumable products company that caters to every age bracket and every gender. A company that has impeccable customer service. And wholesale pricing the customers enjoy. I bring the customer to the company and the company takes care of them for life. Then, I get paid a residual income every single month from the company for introducing this customer. Our company is very smart...If you take care of the customer and continually add more products, but these products need to be top of the line, non-toxic, you know, "good for you," and wholesale priced, then your customer is going to shop every month from this store. So the bigger I make my customer base, the more I get paid, month after month, year after year. People love shopping here because they know the company only produces good-clean products! Products that you are not going to get at some grocery store!
I have helped many people start their home business's. But let’s be clear about MY focus. Why MY focus? Because my focus is helping and teaching others to create a large customer base with honesty and integrity! We show people how to shop for better, safer, wholesale, non-toxic products...Hundreds of different products that they can not get at a regular store. It’s people like you that we care about! If you care about all of these things, then others will see this too. Every single moment becomes an opportunity to change or improve your life. By coming to this website and reading this, you have given yourself an opportunity to improve your life, your health, and make a life-changing income along the way! If you are not looking for an income stream, great...Simply enjoy these life changing products.
PARTNER UP WITH US...BUT WHAT IS OUR COMPANY? Lets talk, I'll explain everything!
Our beliefs control our lives, but the good news is we can control our beliefs. You don’t have to settle for where you are today health-wise or income-wise! I have found the right company...being an Entrepreneur, being in control of your income and your health, it doesn't get any better than that! I am cut from the 20/80 cloth-rule, 20% of us make 80% of the income in this world. If being in charge of your income and your health-life is your true passion, if you want to change where you are at in your life now, then come join us! We will help show you the path that is the most beneficial to your future, health, and income if you choose all of the above." - Mark Hoover